Credit Memos

This page is used to create a Credit Memo that can be associated to a work order.

ClosedCreate a new Credit Memo

  1. Navigate to Service > WO Accounting > Credit Memos > Credit Input.

    This table displays all the credit memos in Issued and Rejected status.

  2. Click on the New button at the bottom of this page.

    A New Credit Memo page is displayed to the user.

    This page is used to enter the details of the credit memo.

  3. Complete the information on the page.

  4. Click the Save button.

    You are navigated to the Credit Input page. The newly created Credit Memo will be displayed with a status of Issued in the Credit Input smart table.

    The Credit Memo event is also recorded in the Work Order history page.

ClosedField Descriptions

  • Reference Number: This is an auto-generated identification number for the credit memo record.

  • Work Order to credit: This is a non-required multi-select field used to select the work order to credit. When you click the Browse button, a Work Order # modal window opens. The modal window is loaded with a list of work orders with the status of Invoice Processed. Once you select a work order, the site and contractor will be auto-populated with the work order's site and contractor. If you create a new credit memo which is not associated to an existing work order, this field will be blank.

  • Site: This is a non-required multi-select field used to select the site for which a credit is being raised. If the work order number is selected from the Work Order to credit multi-select field, this field will be auto-populated and read-only.

  • Store Name: This is a read-only field that displays the name of the store.

  • Service Provider: This is a required multi-select field used to select the service provider against which a credit is being raised. If the Work Order number / Purchase Order number is selected from the Work Order to credit multi-select field, then the contractor name is automatically populated as a read-only field.

  • Category: Specifies the category of the work order.

  • Subcategory: Specifies the sub-category of the work order.

  • Capitalized Work Order: Auto-populated field. Specifies if the work order is capitalized.

  • Account Code: Specifies the account code.

  • Provider Credit Memo#: This is a required alphanumeric field to enter the credit memo number.

  • Credit Date: This is a non-required date field.

  • Travel: This is a required field to enter the travel charge.

  • Parts: This is a required field to enter the parts charge.

  • Labor: This is a required field to enter the labor charge.

  • Miscellaneous: This is a required field to enter the miscellaneous charges.

  • Total Tax: This is a required field to enter the total tax charged.

  • Net Total: This is a read-only field displaying the sum of amounts entered for Travel, Parts, Labor and Miscellaneous charges.

  • Total: This is a read-only field displaying the sum of Total Tax and Net Total.

  • Reason To Credit: This is a required field to enter the comments for raising the credit memo.

  • Save: After clicking this button the credit memo will be saved, but will not be advanced to the Awaiting Approval stage.

  • Submit: After clicking this button:

    • If the Require Approval for Credit Memos flag is set to Yes, then the credit memo will be advanced to a status of Approval Required.

    • If the Require Approval for Credit Memos flag is set to No, then the credit memo will be advanced to an Approved status.

  • Cancel: After clicking this button, the user will be navigated back to the Credit Input smart table.